Sunday 3 January 2016

Eylure Pre Glued Lashes

Anyone who wears lashes will know the pain of waiting for lash glue to dry. But what if there was another way to apply your lashes that didn't require waiting? 

Eylure have launched 'Pre Glued' lashes to their extensive range and I wanted to see if they really are the god send they first appear to be. 

I have a few sets of these lashes and recently tried out a set from their 'texture range'. I'm already a real fan of this range as I find they give a beautiful natural appearance with extra va va voom!

Unlike normal lashes, the pre glued lashes come with a thick band across the top of the lash which is, as you may have guessed from the name, pre glued! Other than this the lashes are exactily that same, and when on, appear the same as lashes what you glue yourself. 

But now for the important stuff, application. Are they any easier to apply? Well for me, this all depends on if you are a 'well seasoned' lash wearer. I have tried these lashes on two occasions. Once around 5 months ago before I really started wear lashes on a regular basis, and oh my god they were so hard to apply!! Because they are already sticky, they do not leave room for any error and if you have already done your beautiful eye make and then you stick you lash on wrong, it lifts your shadows leave patches and well, that's really not what you want when your about to head out. 

If on the other thand, you are a regular lash user, these are great. Now that I apply lashes on a weekly basis, I'm getting pretty nifty at the old lash application process. Because I apply lashes so often, I generally have pretty good aim, so find I can add these babies where they are meant to be. 

Each box comes with a spare pre glued strip which to be honest, I haven't had to change yet (as I've only worn each set once) and because quite frankly I don't think the lashes would come out well. Another issue with them being pre glued is that they are a bit of a pain to get out of the box because they are literally stuck to the surface. Pulling the lashes away from the box needs to be done in a quick and smooth motion or else the lashes can become disformed. Again, not always great if your getting ready to head out (and if your anything like me, already late). 

Here's how they look on

The verdict? They are a really nice idea. I don't think they are great for first time users but may be handy to throw into your handbag or make up bag. Price wise they are the same price as the normal lashes, so if I had the choice between pre glue and normal lashes? Normal lashes every time.


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